Monsieur Carrousel
Team-up with your friends to help the kids board the wonderful Merry-Go-Round of Monsieur Carrousel! Place them into the carrousel according to the color of your die, and keep an eye on the weather. Will all the children have the chance to go for a spin before it starts to rain?
What a ride!
How to play
Monsieur Carrousel is a cooperative game in which players must find a seat on the carrousel for every child. Each turn is divided in 2 phases. During the first phase, one player rolls the colored die and place a child in the corresponding seat. Try to remember the shape of the seat he just seated on! It will be useful when the carrousel starts to fill-up… For the second phase, spin the carrousel and look on which side the kid you just placed is. If he landed in the rain zone, place a raindrop on the board. If he is in the sun zone, place a sunbeam fragment. Each complete sunbeam dries up a drop of rain!
Be quick, place the children before all the drops are on the board or the game will be lost…
Key Points
- Cooperative memory game
- High quality material, including a real wooden carrousel
- An appealing theme with a poetic universe
1 wooden carrousel
1 game board
6 seating discs with various difficulty levels
10 wooden sunbeam fragments
8 wooden raindrops
12 wooden kids tokens
1 multi-colored die
1 rulebook/p>